How do they do it?

I was checking out other vocalists on Fiverr and when I listen to my vocals it doesn’t sound as good, and don’t get me wrong it’s not like I can’t carry a tune but wow.


These singers ( I mostly heard female singers)  are really great on Fiverr. I was intending to list a gig for singing a song  but its like I’m wondering if it’s a plug in they use or mic or maybe my novice music production skills  (and lack of great recording space) that my voice doesn’t sound as polished as theirs does.

..maybe I really just could stand to learn to sing in a polished way…:/ ..

These singers are really good



Nevertheless, different people like different things and may think my voice suits their song. But the fact of the matter is people can discern and would like nice a polished product.  Even, if people may not understand what makes a quality vocal track they can hear it. I’ve got to learn how they do that sing better with a mic

or maybe it’s the vocal production I need to work on more. If you know how I can get better at vocal recording and vocal production please share you advice. Thanks